Processing Services
This section of the user manual aims to describe the processing services available in the ESA Charter Mapper . Each of the services are described one by one with the provision of all essential information for their correct usage and related examples. This introduction aims to provide all the necessary information required to better understand product specifications and tutorials of all services.
List of processing services
Multiple EO data pre-processing services are currently available in the ESA Charter Mapper.
All the services are mapped in the below table 1 with service number, service name and short name.
# | Service name | Short name | Mode | EO data | Combine multi-sensor assets | Owner |
1 | Optical Products Calibration | OPT-Calib | Systematic | Optical | No (intrasensor) | Terradue |
2 | Optical Pan sharpened Image Generation | PAN-Sharp | On-demand | Optical | No (intrasensor) | Terradue |
3 | Radar Products Calibration | SAR-Calib | Systematic | Radar | No (intrasensor) | Terradue |
4 | Multi-Sensor Band Composite | COMBI | On-demand | Optical and SAR | Yes (multi-sensor, multitemporal) | Terradue |
5 | Advanced Multi-Sensor Band Composite | COMBI-Plus | On-demand | Optical and SAR | Yes (multi-sensor, multitemporal) | Terradue |
6 | Optical Spectral Index Generation | OPT-Index | On-demand | Optical | No (intrasensor) | Terradue |
7 | Co-located Stacking | STACK | On-demand | Optical and SAR | Yes (multi-sensor, multitemporal) | Terradue |
8 | Co-registered Stacking | Co-Register | On-demand | Optical and SAR | Yes (multi-sensor, multitemporal) | Terradue |
10 | Coherence and Intensity Composite | SAR-COIN | On-demand | SAR | No (intrasensor, multitemporal) | Terradue |
11 | SAR Amplitude Change | SAR-Change | On-demand | SAR | No (intrasensor, multitemporal) | Terradue |
12 | HASARD Dual Image | HASARD-DI | On-demand | SAR | No (intrasensor, multitemporal) | LIST |
13 | Change Detection Analysis (IRIS) | IRIS | On-demand | Optical | No (intrasensor, multitemporal) | Nhazca |
14 | DInSAR Displacement Mapping | DInSAR | On-demand | SAR | No (intrasensor, multitemporal) | Terradue, AUTh, EO.Lab |
15 | Hotspot Detection | HOTSPOT | On-demand | Optical | No (intrasensor) | Terradue |
17 | Burned Areas Severity Analysis | BAS | On-demand | Optical | No (intrasensor, multitemporal) | Terradue |
18 | Change Vector Analysis (CVA) | CVA | On-demand | Optical and SAR | No (intrasensor, multitemporal) | Terradue |
19 | IRMAD Change Detection (IRMAD) | IRMAD | On-demand | Optical and SAR | No (intrasensor, multitemporal) | Terradue |
20 | K-means Unsupervised Classifier (K-means) | K-Means | On-demand | Optical and SAR | Yes (multi-sensor, multitemporal) | Terradue |
21 | Sentinel-2 Cloudless processor (S2-Cloudless) | S2-Cloudless | On-demand | Optical | No | Sinergise |
22 | DLR Sentinel-1 InSAR Browse (InSAR Browse) | InSAR Browse | On-demand | SAR | No | DLR |
23 | IRIS Optical Image Co-Registration | IRIS Co-Register | On-demand | Optical | Yes (multi-sensor, multitemporal) | Nhazca |
24 | Filter and Vectorize Discrete Raster | FilterVectorize | On-demand | Terradue | ||
25 | NDVI Change Detection | NDVI-CD | On-demand | Optical | Yes (multi-sensor, multitemporal) | Terradue |
26 | HASARD Single Image | HASARD-SI | On-demand | SAR | No (intrasensor) | LIST, WASDI |
27 | DISMapper | DISMapper | On-demand | Optical | No (intrasensor) | CNRS-EOST |
Employment of services according to the type of disaster
By default all the services are available in the activation workspace regardless the hazard type associated with the charter activation. However, Table 2 indicates how these services can be employed in the ESA Charter Mapper according to the type of disaster.
Short name | Flood | Tsunami | Storm / Hurricane | Earthquake | Explosive Event | Landslide | Wildfire | Volcano |
OPT-Calib | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S |
PAN-Sharp | OD | OD | OD | OD | S | OD | OD | OD |
SAR-Calib | S | S | S | S | S | S | S | S |
COMBI | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD |
COMBI-Plus | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD |
OPT-Index | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD |
Co-Register | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD |
STACK | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD |
SAR-COIN | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | |||
SAR-Change | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD |
HASARD-DI | OD | OD | OD | |||||
IRIS | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD |
DInSAR | OD | OD | ||||||
HOTSPOT | OD | OD | OD | |||||
BAS | OD | OD | OD | |||||
CVA | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD |
IRMAD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD |
K-Means | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD |
S2-Cloudless | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD |
InSAR Browse | OD | OD | ||||||
IRIS Co-Register | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD |
FilterVectorize | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD |
NDVI-CD | OD | OD | OD | OD | OD | |||
HASARD-SI | OD | OD | OD | |||||
DISMapper | OD | OD | OD | OD |
Different types of output products
In the ESA Charter Mapper two main types of Product can be derived from both systematic and on-demand processing services:
overview assets (full-res browse images as grayscale or RGB composite).
single band assets (TOA reflectance, Brightness Temperature, Sigma Nought, interferometric phase and coherence, LOS displacement, spectral indexes, change detection bitmasks, etc.).
Each of them is given by following a dedicated data structure (e.g. unit, data type, scale factor, valid range) with respect to the nature of the product, as described in Table 3.
Product | Type | EO data | Description | Unit | Data type | Scale factor | Valid Range | From service # |
Overview | Visual | OPT, SAR | Overview image as RGBA band composite or grayscale product | Uint 8 | [0, 255] | all | ||
Reflectance | Physical | OPT | TOA reflectance for VIS, RE and SWIR CBNs (e.g. blue, nir) | Uint 16 | 0.0001 | [0, 10000] | 1 | |
Brightness temperature | Physical | OPT | TOA brightness temperature for LWIR CBNs (e.g lwir11) | K | Uint 16 | 0.01 | 1 | |
Sigma nought | Physical | SAR | Sigma nought for L-, C-, X-band SAR data in each polarization (e.g. sigma0-HH-db) | dB | Float 32 | 3, 10, 11, 12 | ||
Spectral index | Physical | OPT | Spectral index (NDVI, NDMIR, NBR, NDWI, NDWI2, MNDWI, NDBI) as normalized difference of CBNs in TOA reflectance | Float 32 | [-1,1] | 6, 17 | ||
SSI | Physical | OPT | SSI value from change detection assigned to every pixel of the image | Float 32 | 13 | |||
dNBR | Physical | OPT | Difference between the pre and post Normalized Burn Ratio | Float 32 | 17 | |||
RBR | Physical | OPT | Relativized Burn Ratio using the pre and post Normalized Burn Ratio | Float 32 | 17 | |||
Coherence | Physical | SAR | Interferometric Coherence from SAR complex imagery (a pair of SLC Datasets). Asset name is: coh_b_pp_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD , where b the SAR-band [x,c,l], pp is the polarization [hh, vv], YYYYMMDD is the date of Reference and Secondary SLC Dataset |
- | Float 32 | [0,1] | 10, 14 | |
Wrapped Phase | Physical | SAR | Interferometric Phase from SAR complex imagery (a pair of SLC Datasets). Asset name is: phase_b_pp_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD , where b the SAR-band [x,c,l], pp is the polarization [hh, vv], YYYYMMDD is the date of Reference and Secondary SLC Dataset. |
rad | Float 32 | [-3.14,3.14] | 14 | |
LOS displacement | Physical | SAR | Line of Sight Displacement in centimeters from SAR complex imagery (a pair of SLC Datasets). Asset name is: displacement_b_pp_YYYYMMDD_YYYYMMDD , where b the SAR-band [x,c,l], pp is the polarization [hh, vv], YYYYMMDD is the date of Reference and Secondary SLC Dataset. |
cm | Float 32 | 14 | ||
Hotspot bitmask | Physical | OPT | Hotspot bitmask from hotspot detection based on nir and swir22. (bitmask defined as 0=no-hotspot, 1=hotspot) | 1-bit | [0,1] | 15 | ||
Flood or standing water bitmask | Physical | SAR | Flood or standing water bitmask from the HASARD flood detection service. (bitmask defined as 0=no-flood, 1=flood) | 1-bit | [0,1] | 12 | ||
Change detection bitmask | Physical | OPT, SAR | Change detection bitmask from IRMAD and CVA services (bitmask defined as 0=no-change, 1=change) | 8-bit | [0,1] | 18, 19 | ||
NDVI loss bitmask | Physical | OPT | NDVI loss bitmask from the NDVI-CD. (bitmask defined as 0=no-ndvi-loss, 1=ndvi-loss) | 8-bit | [0,1] | 25 | ||
CLM | Physical | OPT | Cloud Mask from the S2-Cloudless service. (bitmask defined as 1=clouds, 0=no-clouds) | 8-bit | [0,1] | 21 | ||
CLP | Physical | OPT | Cloud probability in a [0-1] range from the S2-Cloudless service | 8-bit | [0,1] | 21 | ||
Classification map | Physical | OPT, SAR | Unsupervised classification map into up to 12 classes from the K-Means service | 16-bit | [0,11] | 20 | ||
Asset from band arithmetic | OPT, SAR | A single-band asset generated from a co-located/co-registered stack of N-images (reference plus all secondary assets) produced by the co-location /co-registered processors | Float 32 | 7, 8 |
More details about each of the physical meaning or visual products of the ESA Charter Mapper can be found in the specifications of each service.