General term defining an Earth Observation Data product notified by COS-2 Core in the Charter Processing Environment.
Agency responsible for the EO mission (and the User Manual should say that the term designates the Charter member responsible for the EO data provided from their organisation or from a EO mission owner or operator contributing through their responsibility).
Advanced Programming Interface. Specific Computing interface allowing a programmatic access to the Charter Processing Environment functions
Application Package
The set of files needed for the integration of a new processing service on the Charter Processing Environment.
A 'spatiotemporal asset' is any file that represents information about the earth captured in a certain space and time. Single bands and groups of bands are referred to as assets. Several assets can be derived from a single EO data product. They are pre-defined in the ESA Charter Mapper and can be used directly (Select Asset) or combined ad-hoc by the user (Combine Assets) within the Titiler widget.
Band Combination
A service providing the possibility to perform RGB band combinations from user defined bands of single or multiple EO data products.
International Charter for Space and Major Disaster a non-binding charter which provides space satellite data in the event of major disasters.
Charter Activation
A Charter Activation (or simply Activation) is a Charter Call that has been processed by the Emergency On-Call Officer (ECO). \
This is then notified by COS-2 Core in the Charter Processing Environment and becomes the general term to define a Disaster Activation.
Charter Call
The initial step of a Charter Activation is the Charter Call (or simply, Call). It is open by a charter member (Authorized User) when a disaster occurs. It is identified by a Call ID that is the key for the order desks to provide data to the Charter. One Activation could be composed by several Calls (Call merge).
Charter Executive Secretariat (ES)
The Charter body in charge of the operations of the Charter, monitoring the Activation workflow and accessing some EO data and services for purposes such as training, communication and promotion.
Charter Service
Set of services of Charter operations including the components service operation (e.g. help desk, webmaster and engineering), implementation and maintenance of Charter Tools (e.g. COS-2, Charter Portal), hosting and Processing Platform.
Charter Mapper Processing Environment (ESA Charter Mapper)
An extension of the operational workflow management system COS-2 that will be operated as a portfolio of on-line EO processing Services.
Charter Project Manager (PM)
The person responsible for planning the delivery of EO data including fresh acquisitions and data from the archives and for liaising with the Disaster Risk Management (DRM) user.
Charter Trial Prototype
Project developed in the Geohazards TEP aiming at prototyping a Processing Platform for the Disaster Charter using the early version of the COS-2 Core notifications
Charter Value Adder (VA)
Expert people working with the Charter PM to transform EO data into geo-information products.
Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG)
A Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) is a regular GeoTIFF file, aimed at being hosted on a HTTP file server, with an internal organization that enables more efficient workflows on the cloud. It does this by leveraging the ability of clients issuing HTTP GET range requests to ask for just the parts of a file they need.
Common Band Name (CBN)
Common Band Names (CBN) classes refer to common band ranges derived from multispectral bands of several popular instruments.
Charter Operational System 2nd generation, on-online system developed by the Agency in order to better support the different users and provide more reliable and secure operation.
Abstract concept to define a Data Item that conveys core business data, usually as a product file with metadata. In the Charter Processing Environment, a COS-2 Acquisition or Value-added product shall typically be datasets in the system taking place as entry in the catalogue with a physical product file in the storage.
Data Item
Abstract concept to define any information item in the system and stored as an entry in the catalogue of the system. All COS-2 notifications (Activations, Acquisition and Value-added Products) become Data Items in the Charter Processing Environment taking place as entries in the catalogue shared as data references for most of the components like API, Data Pipelines, Workspaces, Production Center.
Data Pipeline
Abstract concept to define a processing chain that is triggered by an event of a Data Item (e.g. new activation in the catalogue) and that then executes a workflow defining execution steps including long processing jobs, catalogue updates or API calls.
Data Processing Scenarios
Written Data Processing outlines framed by a set of rules based on the Disaster type and the Sensor type defining a sequence of Thematic Processing to be applied to new Acquisitions notified to the ESA Charter Mapper.
Data Processing Pipelines Application
Abstract concept to define a thematic data processor algorithm that is applied to a data pipeline
Disaster Workspace
Workspace in the scope of a disaster. It contains the information related to the activation of the disaster call(s) and the related data item (Activations, Value Added Products)
EO Product (or Product)
Satellite image coming from one of a predefined list of sensors of the Charter critical constellation. An EO product is notified as an Acquisition by COS-2 Core providing the dataset.
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Tools that allow users to create interactive queries (user-created searches), analyze spatial information, edit data in maps, and present the results of all these operations.
In Elasticsearch an index consists of one or more Documents, and a Document consists of one or more Fields. In database terminology, a Document corresponds to a table row, and a Field corresponds to a table column.
Integrated Application
Software item that has been implemented and packaged in a way that is ready to be deployed on the ESA Charter Mapper to become a Thematic Processor. A validation step of the application package provided by the third party is necessary to have it as an Integrated Application
Metadata Catalogue
A metadata management tool designed to help find and manage large amounts of data. In the EO it manages the collections of satellite data coming from different EO missions.
An offering is a service associated with a Data Item. It describes a set of operations available in a web service and associated with the Data Item. For instance, a WMS offering in an Acquisition contains a GetMap operation to view a raster layer on a map as a browse of the Acquisition.
On-demand service
A service triggered by the user after filling a form with parameters and input references.
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
PaaS provides users with the capabilities to deploy user-created or acquired applications developed using programming languages and tools supported by the provider onto an infrastructure, typically cloud-based. The user does not manage or control the underlying infrastructure, including network, servers, operating systems, or storage, but has control over the deployed applications and possibly application hosting environment configurations.
Front-end website containing the landing pages of the Charter Processing Environment when connecting the main web address. The ESA Charter Mapper Portal shall give access to all the platform functionalities via web navigation.
Processing Data Item
This is an implementation of a Data Item specific to the Data Processing Pipeline to manage a processing as an entry in the catalogue.
Processing Environment
Within the context of this document, a “Processing Environment” refers to an environment providing users with a set of services such as access to (i) large volume of data (EO/non-space data), (ii) computing resources (iii) processing software (e.g. toolboxes, retrieval baselines, visualization routines), and (iv) general platform capabilities (e.g. user management and access control, accounting, information portal, collaborative tools, social networks etc.). The Charter Processing Environment thus provides a complete work environment for its users, enabling them to effectively perform data-intensive research and data exploitation by running dedicated processing software close to the data.
Product segregation
The action of hiding a product from the list of available data relative to an Activation. This happens mainly due to quality issues.
Preview of an EO Product or VAP.
A service that produces full resolution visualization datasets for the acquisition of a call/activation.
Recovery Time Objective
The Recovery Time Objective (RTO) is the duration of time and a service level within which a business process must be restored after a disaster in order to avoid unacceptable consequences associated with a break in continuity.
Slide feature
A graphical effect that allows the user to move a vertical bar over an area of the map, allowing to immediately see the differences between two layers.
SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC)
The SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog (STAC) is a standardized way to catalog and expose multi-source geospatial data through a common metadata structure which simplifies the process to expose, discover and query of “spatiotemporal” assets for data providers, developers and users.
Systematic Processing Services
A service that is a background production triggered right after receiving the notification from COS-2 of a new activation.
Thematic Processor
Abstract concept to define a tool or algorithm originated from a specialized field that extracts information from an Earth Observation dataset
A FastAPI that enables the dynamic creation of web map tiles from STAC, COG.
Third Party Data Provider
Owner or operator of an Earth Observation mission under specific agreements with the Agency.
The full set of files related to a single activation (including intermediate results and Value Adding products).