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Amazonia-1 spacecraft

Amazonia-1 spacecraft, © MCTI, INPE, AEB

Mission description

Amazonia-1 is an Earth observation minisatellite mission of the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), coordinated by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovations (MCTI), and developed at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) in Brazil. The Amazonia series satellites are fully developed in Brazil and use a Multi-Mission Platform. This platform provides the common parts of a satellite and couples different instruments.

Amazonia-1 mission patch

Amazonia-1 carries the WFI camera to ensure compatibility and high temporal repeatability with the same cameras on CBERS-4 and CBERS-4A. Amazonia-1 was launched on February 28, 2021, from Satish Dhawan Space Centre (SHAR) in India, and its commissioning phase will be finished by May, 2021. For disaster response by the Charter, the combination of WFI images from three satellites will ensure almost daily coverage of the world at the 60-meter spatial resolution range1,2.

Launched in February 2021, its main goal is to monitor global deforestation, with a focus on the Brazilian Amazon rainforest. Table 1 provides a summary of the Amazonia-1 mission.

Parameter Specifications
EO Mission Amazonia-1
Mission Short name Amazonia-1
Charter Owner Agency INPE
Providing Agency MCTI, AEB, INPE
Date of launch 28/02/2021
Temporal coverage 2021 - present
Mission status onGoing
End of Life Expected 28/02/2025
Orbit Height 752 km
Inclination 98.4 deg

Table 1 - Amazonia-1 mission parameters.


Amazonia-1 is equipped with the multispectral radiometer WFI (Wide Field Imager), which monitors the Amazon vegetation and the coastal environment, being able to detect the extent of rainforest fires. It is also used for measuring the land cover and land mapping. The WFI instrument operates in three visible wavebands (0.45 - 0.50 µm, 0.52 - 0.57 µm, 0.63 - 0.69 µm), as well as in the near-infrared range 0.76 - 0.90 µm. It has a spatial resolution of 60 m at all wavelengths and a swath width of 740 km. Table 2 describes the EO sensor on board of Amazonia-1 satellite, spectral modes and combinations.

Acronym Sensor name Spectral Combination
WFI Wide Field Camera Multispectral 4 bands (Blue, Green, Red and NIR)

Table 2 - Amazonia-1 earth observation sensor.

Table 3 describes the spectral combinations of the Amazonia-1 products often received in the Charter

Instrument Spectral combinations
WFI Multispectral 4 bands: BAND13 (Blue), BAND14 (Green), BAND15 (Red), BAND16 (NIR)

Table 3 - Spectral combinations for most recurrent Amazonia-1 products in the charter.

Spectral modes and bands


Table 4 reports technical specifications for the Amazonia WFI instrument.

Parameter Specifications
Instrument WFI
Imager Type Advanced Wide Field Imager Camera
Spectral mode WFI
Scanning technique Pushbroom
Resolution Low Resolution - VLR (> 60m)
GSD 64 m (nadir)
Swath 850 km
Coverage Global
Revisit 5 days
Data type L2 or L4

Table 4 - Amazonia-1 WFI instrument technical specifications.

Wavelength, Center wavelength, Bandwidth (or FWHM), and common band name (CBN) for each spectral band of the Amazonia-1 WFI sensor are described in Table 5.

Spectral Band (ID) Spectral interval (nm) Center Wavelength(µm) Bandwidth or FWHM (µm) CBN
BAND13 (Blue) 450-520 0.485 0.07 blue
BAND14 (Green) 520-590 0.555 0.07 green
BAND15 (Red) 630-690 0.660 0.06 red
BAND16 (NIR) 770-890 0.830 0.12 nir

Table 5 - Spectral bands for a Amazonia-1 WFI product.

For more information see the Amazonia-1 website and the EO Portal.

Geometric and radiometric processing

Processing levels of Amazonia-1 are:

  • L2 system corrected image, expect some translation error,

  • L4 orthorectified with ground control points.

Imagery and metadata formats

Amazonia-1 imagery format is GeoTIFF. Annotation is delivered by COS-2 in CSV format.

Ingested format

Information extracted from product annotation included in the STAC item of a Amazonia-1 WFI 4-Bands compose dataset are listed below.


STAC item content about properties for an Amazonia-1 WFI 4-Bands compose Dataset is the following:

  "properties": {
    "start_datetime": "2021-08-02T11:18:56Z",
    "end_datetime": "2021-08-02T11:20:50Z",
    "datetime": "2021-08-02T11:19:53Z",
    "updated": "2023-12-06T15:16:48.4109036Z",
    "constellation": "amazonia-1",
    "platform": "amazonia-1",
    "mission": "amazonia-1",
    "instruments": [
    "sensor_type": "optical",
    "gsd": 64,
    "title": "AMAZONIA-1 WFI L4 2021-08-02 11:19:53",
    "cbers:path": 29,
    "cbers:row": 10,
    "providers": [
        "name": "INPE",
        "description": "Amazonia-1 is an Earth observation minisatellite mission of the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB), developed at the National Institute for Space Research (INPE) in Brazil. Its main goal is to monitor global deforestation, with a focus on the Brazilian Amazon rainforest.",
        "roles": [
        "url": ""
        "name": "INPE",
        "roles": [
    "license": "proprietary",
    "disaster:call_ids": [
    "disaster:resolution_class": "VLR",
    "cpe:cos2_id": "965-INPE-AMAZONIA-1-urn_ogc_def_EOP_INPE_AMAZONIA_1_WFI_20210802_029_010_L4_compose",  


STAC item content about Satellite for an Amazonia-1 WFI 4-Bands compose Dataset is the following:

  "properties": {
    "sat:platform_international_designator": "2021-015A"    


STAC item content about Processing for an Amazonia-1 WFI 4-Bands compose Dataset is the following:

  "properties": {
    "processing:level": "L4"


STAC item content about Projection for an Amazonia-1 WFI 4-Bands compose Dataset is the following:

  "properties": {
    "proj:epsg": 32629


STAC item content about View for an Amazonia-1 WFI 4-Bands compose Dataset is the following:

  "properties": {
    "view:off_nadir": 0,
    "view:sun_azimuth": 120.738,
    "view:sun_elevation": 67.8801


STAC item content about Geometry for an Amazonia-1 WFI 4-Bands compose Dataset is the following:

  "geometry": {
    "type": "Polygon",
    "coordinates": [
  "bbox": [


STAC item content about assets (annotation, quicklooks and spectral bands files harvested from the source product) and EO bands for an Amazonia-1 WFI 4-Bands compose Dataset is the following:

  "assets": {
    "compose": {
      "type": "image/tiff",
      "roles": [
      "title": "WFI L4 COMPOSE",
      "href": "https://.../urn_ogc_def_EOP_INPE_AMAZONIA_1_WFI_20210802_029_010_L4_compose/compose.tif",
      "file:size": 270024925,
      "eo:bands": [
          "name": "band-1",
          "common_name": "blue",
          "center_wavelength": 0.485,
          "full_width_half_max": 0.07,
          "solar_illumination": 1984.65
          "name": "band-2",
          "common_name": "green",
          "center_wavelength": 0.555,
          "full_width_half_max": 0.07,
          "solar_illumination": 1823.4
          "name": "band-3",
          "common_name": "red",
          "center_wavelength": 0.66,
          "full_width_half_max": 0.06,
          "solar_illumination": 1536.38
          "name": "band-4",
          "common_name": "nir",
          "center_wavelength": 0.83,
          "full_width_half_max": 0.12,
          "solar_illumination": 981.91
      "raster:bands": [
          "scale": 0.384,
          "offset": 0
          "scale": 0.41,
          "offset": 0
          "scale": 0.343,
          "offset": 0
          "scale": 0.291,
          "offset": 0
    "metadata": {
      "type": "text/csv",
      "roles": [
      "title": "Metadata file",
      "href": "https://.../urn_ogc_def_EOP_INPE_AMAZONIA_1_WFI_20210802_029_010_L4_compose/metadata.csv",
      "file:size": 554
    "thumbnail": {
      "type": "image/jpeg",
      "roles": [
      "href": "https://.../urn_ogc_def_EOP_INPE_AMAZONIA_1_WFI_20210802_029_010_L4_compose/thumbnail.jpg",
      "file:size": 1186136
    "overview": {
      "type": "image/jpeg",
      "roles": [
      "title": "Acquisition Overview",
      "href": "https://.../urn_ogc_def_EOP_INPE_AMAZONIA_1_WFI_20210802_029_010_L4_compose/overview.jpg"

Product Calibration

For Amazonia-1 products calibration refer to the Optical Products Calibration (OPT-Calib) service and the calibration sheet available here.

  1. INPE, Amazonia-1 website, available at

  2. EO portal, Amazonia-1 satellite mission, available at