Calibrated SAR data
In the Charter Operational System (COS-2), EO data are represented as Acquisitions
. After the ingestion in the ESA Charter Mapper of SAR EO data harvested from COS-2, an initial processing is performed to calibrate them and make them ready for further generic processing as a Dataset. The result comprises:
a series of single band assets for each of the band of the EO data product, provided as full resolution calibrated data,
a series of overview assets that provide three band combinations readily available in full resolution.
These represent analysis ready data for visualization and/or for on-demand processing to support Value Added product generation
In the ESA Charter Mapper the calibration of multi-mission SAR input products is done in a systematic fashion and is accomplished during the acquisitions ingestion phase.
SAR calibrated Datasets are pre-processed EO data with physically meaningful quantities (sigma nought) which enables a faster thematic processing by applying common operations according to the sensor type. A SAR calibrated Dataset includes both Sigma Nought single-band assets and visual products derived from them offered as multi-band overview assets.
A description of the Radar Products Calibration systematic service is available here.
More details about the calibration workflow employed for multiple SAR mission are available here.